Table of Contents: Oncotarget’s Volume 12, Issue 26

Read short summaries of the latest oncology-focused research published in this week’s issue of Oncotarget: Volume 12, Issue 26.

Oncotarget's Table of Contents

Oncotarget’s Volume 12, Issue 26

New Publications

Cover (Research Paper): Comparative transcriptome analysis between patient and endometrial cancer cell lines to determine common signaling pathways and markers linked to cancer progression

Origin: Maryland, United States

Institutions: Uniformed Services University of the Health Sciences, National Institutes of Health

Quote: “The rising incidence and mortality of endometrial cancer (EC) in the United States calls for an improved understanding of the disease’s progression. Current methodologies for diagnosis and treatment rely on the use of cell lines as models for tumor biology. However, due to inherent heterogeneity and differential growing environments between cell lines and tumors, these comparative studies have found little parallels in molecular signatures.”

Research Paper: RASAL2 suppresses the proliferative and invasive ability of PC3 prostate cancer cells

Origin: Washington D.C., United States

Institution: Howard University

Quote: “The RAS protein activator like 2 (RASAL2) negatively regulates RAS proto-oncogene which is activated by high mutation rate in cancer. Thus, RASAL2 expression could potentially limit the function of RAS in prostate cancer (PCa). Genome-wide DNA methylation analysis demonstrated that RASAL2 is differentially hypermethylated in PCa tissues compared to benign prostate tissues.”

Review: The clinician’s perspective on the 21-gene assay in early breast cancer

Origin: Rome, Italy

Institution: University La Sapienza

Quote: “Most patients with early HR+ and HER2- breast cancer receive a hormone therapy; the clinical question still open is how to identify patients who can really benefit from adjuvant chemotherapy.”

Review: Using drug scheduling to manage adverse events associated with hedgehog pathway inhibitors for basal cell carcinoma 

Origin: Manchester, United Kingdom; Zurich, Switzerland; St Leonards, Sydney, Australia

Institutions: University of Manchester, University of Zurich, Royal North Shore Hospital, The University of Sydney

Quote: “Basal cell carcinoma (BCC) is the most common malignancy and form of skin cancer worldwide; advanced BCC, either as locally advanced BCC (laBCC) or metastatic BCC (mBCC), can cause substantial tissue invasion and morbidity. Until the recent availability of the hedgehog pathway inhibitors (HHIs) sonidegib and vismodegib, treatment options for advanced BCC were limited.”

Commentary: BRCA Role Changes with Association: Tissue-specific impact on the prognosis

Origin: Bangalore, India

Institution: Indian Institute of Science

Quote: “The tumor suppressor BRCA (BReast CAncer) genes are majorly involved in biological processes such as DNA damage response, gene transcription regulation, cell cycle, and apoptosis. It was identified in the early 90s that germ line mutations in BRCA1 increase the risk of breast and ovarian cancer [1]. Subsequently, several studies in breast cancer patients found an association of BRCA1 expression levels and mutation status with the patient survival.”

Editorial: Control of the Mdm2-p53 signal loop by β-arrestin 2: the ins and outs

Origin: Paris, France

Institution: Université de Paris

Quote: “Mdm2 is a major cellular inhibitor of p53. Small molecules designed to block the Mdm2-p53 interaction have been developed as an approach for the treatment of cancer with wild-type p53 [1]. In light of this therapeutic interest continued study of mechanisms that control the Mdm2-p53 signal loop is therefore of central importance.”

Click here to read Oncotarget’s Volume 12, Issue 26.


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